Electrical Licensing



West Virginia State Code, Chapter 29, Article 3B "Supervision of Electricians"
West Virginia Code of State Rule, Title 103, Series 5 "Electrician Licensing Rules​" 

​Online Service Disruption Notice:

The WVSFMO is in the final stages of transitioning to our new Online Licensing System. To ensure a smooth transition, the current online portal has now been closed to any new submittals​. Information on accessing the new system will be released soon. ​


Electrician Exam Locations and Dates - Click Here  ​      ​​

Letter of Good Standing/License Verification​ Request Form - Click Here​​

Complaint Form - Click Here

Important Notices:

All Electrical Examinations are based on the 2020 NEC Code Book. ​​

Helper (Apprentice) Electricians do not require a license to perform helper level electrical work, but must be supervised at all times by a Master or Journeyman Electrician. This rule went into effect on June 16, 2021, due to legislative changes in the Electrical Code. 

Electrician License Types:

  • Journeyman 
  • Master 
  • Specialty Electrician 
    • ​Electric Sign 
    • HVAC 
    • Low Voltage 
    • Single Family Dwelling   
  • ​Reciprocal Journeyman
  • Reciprocal Master
  • Reciprocal Specialty Electrician
    • Electric Sign
    • HVAC
    • Low Voltage
    • Single Family Dwelling​
  • Temporary Journeyman
  • Temporary Master


Electrical Licensure Testing Requirement:
​Applicants for the Journeyman, Master, and Specialty Electrician license must pass the WVSFMO electrical exam for the licensure level they wish to obtain. 

Exam Qualification Requirements:

Journeyman - Must meet at least 1 of the 3 requirements below:

  • Must have at least 1 Year (12 months) or 2,000 hours of actual, hands-on electrical work experience. All work shall consist of above ground structural wiring in accordance with the National Electric Code. 

  • ​Must have completed an approved US Department of Labor formal Apprenticeship program.


  • Must have completed an approved West Virginia Department of Education 1080 hour vocational course. 

Master - Must have at least 2 Years (24 months) or 4,000 hours of actual, hands-on electrical work experience. Vocational training CANNOT be counted towards the required work experience. 

Specialty - Electric Sign, HVAC, Low Voltage, Single Family Dwelling - Must have at least 1 year (12 months) or 2,000 hours of actual, hands-on electrical work experience in the SPECIALTY AREA for which the applicant will be testing. 

Specialty License applicants may apply 1 year (12 months) of approved educational courses toward the work experience. 

 Apply for the WVSFMO Electrical Exam with the Paper Application: ​Click Here

Exam Information:
All electrical exams are open book and based solely on the 2020 National Electric Code Book.

  • The Journeyman, Master and Single Family Dwelling electrical exams have 50 multiple choice questions​ and 5 calculations. Multiple choice questions are each worth 1.5 points and calculations are worth 5 points each.  
  • The Low Voltage electrical exam has 25 multiple choice questions. Each question is worth 4 points. 
  • ​The Electric Sign and HVAC electrical exam have​ 20 multiple choice questions. Each question is worth 5 points.  

Exam fees are $25.00. This fee is non refundable. 

Seating is limited for each exam date and location. To be considered for a specific date and location, your application MUST be received by the agency at least 7 business days prior to the requested test date. 
​For a list of exam dates and locations Click Here.​

Applicants may reschedule but must notify the agency NO LATER than the date of the exam. Applicants can reschedule no more than (3) three times in any calendar year. 

Walk-ins are not authorized. Only those with prior authorization from the central office will be allowed to take the exam. 
Applicants are authorized to bring the following items to the exam: 
  • ​2020 NEC Code Book 
  • Book ​Tabs
  • ​Key Word Index
  • Ugly's Reference Guide
  • Calculator​
  • No. 2 Pencil

Study guides, test prep courses and practice exams are not available​. 

Check In for Beckley, Charleston, Clarksburg, and Martinsburg begins at 8:30am. The exam begins​ at 9:00am. Check in for Wheeling begins at 9:30am. The exam begins at 10:00am. 

Applicants are given 4 hours to complete the exam. 

Exams will be graded within 15 business days of the exam date. 

A passing s​core is 70% or above.

Reciprocal Licensure:
The West Virginia State Fire Marshal's Office recognizes reciprocity with all 50 states. The agency also recognizes reciprocity from counties, cities, and townships within.  

Applicants must be licensed by the State or Jurisdiction from which they are applying from. 

Regardless of state or jurisdiction requirements, each applicant must possess the minimum WV requirements for licensure :

  • Journeyman - Must have at least 1 Year (12 months) or 2,000 hours of actual, hands-on electrical work experience. All work shall consist of above ground structural wiring in accordance with the National Electric Code. 

  • Master - Must have at least 2 Years (24 months) or 4,000 hours of actual, hands-on electrical work experience. 

  • Specialty - Electric Sign, HVAC, Low Voltage, Single Family Dwelling - Must have at least 1 Year (12 months) or 2,000​ hours of actual, hands-on electrical work experience in the SPECIALTY AREA for which the applicant will be applying. ​
Applicants must submit a  ​"Letter of Good Standing" from the agency or licensing board of the State or Jurisdiction they are applying from. This letter must be for the individual seeking licensure. This letter must also include the following information:
  • Licensee Name
  • License Number
  • License Type
  • Initial License Issue Date
  • License Expiration Date
  • How the License was obtained - Examples: Examination, Reciprocity, Grandfathering, etc....
  • Whether any Disciplinary Action has been taken

Applicants must also submit a copy of their license from the state and or jurisdiction they are applying from. 

To Apply for a Reciprocal Electrician License Click Here​ (Paper Application)

Temporary Electrical Licensure:

The West Virginia State Fire Marshal's Office offers temporary electrician licensure for the Journeyman and Master.

Applicants must have completed one of the following to be eligible for temporary licensure:

  • Completion of a US Department of Labor formal Apprenticeship program. Such proof must be in the form of a certificate of completion from this program. 

  • ​​Completion of a West Virginia Dept. of Education approved 1080 hour Vocational Program. Such proof must be in the form of a certificate of completion from this program. 

Each applicant must also possess the minimum WV requirements for licensure :

  • Journeyman - Must have at least 1 Year (12 months) or 2,000 hours of actual, hands-on electrical work experience. All work shall consist of above ground structural wiring in accordance with the National Electric Code. 

  • Master - Must have at least 2 Years (24 months) or 4,000 hours of actual, hands-on electrical work experience.
                       ​To Apply for a Temporary Electrician License Click Here​ (Paper Application)

Electrical License Information:
Applicants who pass the exam have one year from the exam date to initiate their Electrical License. 

Electrician Licenses (except temporary licenses) expire on June 30th. 

Electrician License Activation Fee - $50.00. ​

Courtesy license renewal reminders will be mailed by April of every year. 

Electricians will be given the option of a 1 Year or 3 Year license renewal.

Electrician License Renewal Fee: 1 Year License = $50.00 / 3 Year License = $150.00

Expired licensees may renew their license if the expiration date is within the 5 year grace period. ​

Expired Electrician License Renewal Fee: 1 Year = $100.00 / 3 Year = $200.00 -  Per State Code, expired licensees must pay double the license fee to renew said license.