Daylight Savings Time


​​Are you ready for a fire? As we spring ahead and change our clocks for daylight saving time, the Office of the State Fire Marshal is also reminding residents to change the batteries in your smoke alarms. 

Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday. When you turn your clocks ahead, take just two minutes to change smoke alarm batteries and push the test button to make sure they are working. This is also a good time to check carbon monoxide detectors. 

According to data from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), roughly 3 out of 5 fire deaths happen in homes with no smoke alarms or the alarms are not working. This two-minute check could save your life and your loved ones lives. Remember:

Smoke alarms should be checked monthly, their batteries replaced yearly and alarms replaced every 10 years.
Smoke alarms should be on every level of the home, inside bedrooms and outside of sleeping areas
Each smoke alarm should be on the ceiling or high on a wall, and away from the kitchen to reduce false alarms. 
People who are hard-of-hearing or deaf can use special alarms that have strobe lights and bed shakers.
State Fire Marshal Ken Tyree says: “We have to get ahead of the issues and concerns pertaining to the tragic events occurring here; we can do this by a proactive installation and maintenance program of smoke alarms.  By the creation and implementation of risk reduction within every community, we can attack this problem head on!  Fire has such a devastating effect to families, communities, and to all involved; operational smoke alarms within every home is an answer to every citizen and first responder’s concern.”
If you or someone you know is need of a smoke alarm you can contact your local fire department or Contact the American Red Cross at 1-844-216-8286 to schedule your appointment to have free smoke alarms installed at no cost by Red Cross volunteers.  Safety information can be found on our recently redesigned website, as well as Facebook and on Twitter.


Courtney Rosemond
304 558 2191 ext.53205